Meet Our Club Treasurers!

 Glenda Bradley

We don't have a bio on Glenda Bradley, yet, but please enjoy this bit of history on treasures over the past decade.

From 2018-2020, Brent Cowels served as treasurer. Schuyler Bullock, previous treasurer, had been a member of FWGMC for many years before stepping up through 2016-2018. He was formerly in charge of field trips and then graciously stepped up to replace Fran Loyd as treasurer (who now acts as our Sunshine Chairman). Previously, Elsie Kennedy was treasurer for more than a decade, stepped down in 2009, and passed away in 2012. She will be missed dearly, though we are happy to continue having wonderful members willing take her place and keep things going.

Check Out Our Club Positions!

 Positions Menu:

Club President |  Club Secretary |  Club Treasurer | 
1st VP of Field Trips |  1st VP of Programs |  Show Chairperson  
Sunshine Chairperson |  Dealer Chairperson |  Newsletter Editor 
Shop Foreman |  Web Manager

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